Patient Complaint Response Assistance (Do Not Respond Without Advice… No… Never!)
Client Complaint Response Assistance (See Above)
Preparing Complaint Responses Confidentially (for your signature)
Health Care Practitioner Discipline Defense
Law Society Discipline Defense
Accountant, Engineer, Architect, Realtor, Developer, Pharmacist, Teacher, Principal, Police Officer and Broker Discipline Defense
Proactive Code of Conduct Advice
Discipline Consent Resolutions
Reputation Management
Client and Patient File Review for Vulnerability to Discipline
Pre-Citation Advice and Resolutions
Discipline Hearings and Review
Judicial Review of Discipline Hearings and Appeals
Whether there is substance to a complaint or not, you will react emotionally. Most of us are proud of our work. We are insulted when our efforts are ignored or criticized. It is a natural reaction. Unjustified complaints create outrage. Some are so ridiculous you may think them not worthy of reply. You may be upset that the investigator/handler does not see that as self-evident. It is a process to ensure transparency and justice. Do not take it personally. Justified complaints create even more anxiety and stress and perhaps a reluctance to respond. Neither situation will bring out your coolest and best judgment. Many complaints are made worse by the initial response or failure to respond. If the initial response is dishonest, or emotional or retaliatory the reaction may become more important than the initial complaint and become the basis for a more serious complaint. Cover-up or document alteration can be very damaging or even career ending. Honest errors are just indicators of being human. Some patients have photographed records or recorded their interactions.
Review your file. Check your facts and records. Do not alter anything. Do not respond without help. Recrimination against a complainant may in itself be a basis of complaint. Do not communicate directly with the complainant after the complaint is made except in writing after advice. Oral communication can lead to false accusations of retaliation. Read your Code of Conduct and Rules. Get help with that too. The complaint may be unjustified, but a thorough review of your file or practices may turn up other matters or problems. Early resolution could avoid that. Admissions or apologies may be the best fix, but, if not done right, may void your insurance for a subsequent civil damages claim. If you let the situation escalate to a citation, it usually must be published on the Discipline Authority website. The opportunity for resolution without publicity is then lost.
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