Our Skills


Listening - Understanding - Advising - Persuading - Presenting

We focus on difficult and complex problems. The range is broad, but the skills we apply each time are the same.


Solving our clients’ difficult problems involves learning, listening, and interviewing. We consider the problem and its economics, its politics, the relevant law, the personalities involved, and the possible tactics, including use of tactics other than the obvious court tools. We are also mindful of the reputational interest of our clients and any long term relationships they wish to preserve.

When we have considered all of these things, our advice helps our client choose a plan of action. That plan may involve a number of steps to be taken simultaneously. Those could include negotiation or assisting the client to directly negotiate by providing ideas for negotiation or persuasion. We may launch complaints or lawsuits, make Freedom of Information requests or institute proceedings before Administrative Tribunals. If early resolution is not possible, we must make effective presentations to the ultimate decision makers in the form of written arguments, assembled evidence, opinions from experts, examination of witnesses, provision of legal authorities and oral argument. Sometimes those steps are needed to get to a fair settlement even if we do not go to final hearing. 

Those are our skills and those are what we focus on. We believe we are good listeners, and we are good at helping our clients think about what all of their needs and goals are.

We advise our clients to ensure that our clients are properly balancing the economics of various courses of action and various risks and rewards. If that balance changes at any time based on new information, we help our clients reassess.

We use up-to-date technologies in our office to ensure that, in large volume document litigation, we can find the documents we need, when we need them. These tools ensure the work of lawyers and support staff, who must work together on large cases, is preserved, retrievable and available to the entire team. Proper systems allow for teamwork so that tasks may be delegated to the lowest cost personnel to keep the case economical for you. Most importantly, these tools help us deliver the best results.

More important than any of our skills is our knowledge that we will only succeed when our clients succeed. We want you to think of us as Your Law Partner®.


"David, I just wanted to say thank you for all the help you gave us. The only thing that bothers me is the fact that I didn’t know about you sooner. So, thank you for all you did, I went from high stress to none at all."

- D.C.


Call Us. We Can Help.